Anika May: The Top 10 Posts of 2015

31 December 2015

I've been blogging for over a year now, but 2015 is the year I realised this is the job I want to do for the rest of my life. Anika May has had a broad range of posts, beginning as an OOTD blog and merging with my love of lifestyle posts. It's actually quite weird looking back and thinking: "Wait what? That was this year?!" Check out the 10 most popular posts from 01 January 2015 to today. 

"FINALLY. I know nineteen isn't regarded as an big deal, but it's a birthday so it's still pretty exciting to me. It means I'm one step closer to being twenty which is absolutely terrifying but extremely intriguing. Turning eighteen was made out to be some extraordinary experience but I was in school and the memory wasn't that thrilling."
"There are some items in my closet that I can never let go of, either because they have a sentimental touch or a significant memory I like to remember attached to them. With this jumper, it was the first item I bought on a shopping trip with my friends when I was only twelve."
"I love trying out new nail colours for the brighter seasons. It's an easy way to add a splash of colour to an outfit without over-doing it on accessories. I've found a brighter nail polish also means I don't wear as much jewellery, simply because they brighten my hands enough. When I came across New CID Cosmetics I was intrigued by their i-polish line with comes in 11 colours online."
"If you follow me on Twitter, you'll know I recently got rid of my no-good iPhone 5 and finally treated myself to an iPhone 6s. It's not often that I'll splash out on new technology, but when your phone is dying at 80%, I think it's time for an upgrade."
The Effortlessly Original Accessory
"I'm always on the lookout for new brands and stores to follow and adore. For me, the more unique the better. There are a lot of high street stores that sell pieces that look similar and originality seems to be lacking in that area of the market. I recently came across Wattney Kay, an online jewellery store that promotes the idea of being different by creating unique pieces of hand-crafted jewellery."
"Get online. This is something I usual do without effort anyway, but one the ways I find inspiration in many forms is from other people. Social media such as Instagram and Tumblr are my favourites for finding the perfect photo or post idea."
"I'm always looking for ways to help keep my skin clear. It can be quite sensitive, so if I don't look after it properly, breakouts happen. My diet also affects my skin a lot, but making sure I cleanse and scrub the right way is a must. There are so many different products I've tried, and it's more common for the higher-end, pricier brands sell products that are no better than an average high street label."
"With a bright an early start, the first destination was the Universitetets Botaniske Hage Tøyenhagen, also known as the Botanical Gardens. The grounds were absolutely enormous which I loved, and it was a really challenge picking between 125 photos. I'm not much of a nature person but I do appreciate great scenery and beautiful greenery."
"No matter what the area of work it is, working and enduring in an enormous establishment can be a challenge. While I was in school, my teachers and 'guidance counsellors' painted adults life as this fulfilling destination that brings eternal happiness and a never ending bank-account. The equation was basic, do well in school + good jobs = successful."
"After reading over a few different posts from bloggers I admire, I thought it would be nice to share my own blogging steps on Anika May. Blogging is a hobby that's brought out the routine-loving, schedule fanatic in me which has affected my process in creating a blog post and promoting it. Although I don't always stick to the plan, and can become easily distracted, there is a set process that has developed, especially as I begin to fall further in love with blogging."
"I've recently been trying to wear all the clothes in my closet. Not all at once obviously, but there are some items I just never seem to put on any more and I think it's time for this to change. After having an enormous dig through my bits and bats and cleaning out as much as possible, I managed to fill a charity bag and two shoe boxes (which I'll be using for the Shoebox Appeal)."
Have a favourite? Let me know below!
Happy New Year


  1. I really enjoyed your outfit posts and the ones like "What to do when you're uninspired" :) Hope 2016 will be amazing for you! x

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  2. I didn't know CID did polishes as well but they look great, might have to check them out! Happy new year :)

    Velvet Blush

  3. You've had an amazing year and I have loved reading all your posts xo

  4. Those photos from Oslo are stunning! :)

  5. Lovely post and happy new year!

  6. Interesting post, thanks for sharing. I wish you all the best for the New Year!

  7. Nice blog :) I like your style


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